Hi, I’m Vivi, Certified Fulfilment and Peacefulness coach.
I have been honouring mynick name that in Spanish means living a couple of years ago.
I have been into reading self help books since I was around 13, had all the theory yet struggled to take it to practice, only until I decided I really in my heart I needed a shift.
Since then I am dedicated to fall in love with my life every day, and if I have a difficult day, I know I have the choice to make it different.
Passion for helping other has always been on my list, giving my ear, my shoulder to cry, my brain and even my tears, was not sure how I was going to do it.
I literally went from confused and going in a million directions! Over the 6 weeks that we worked together that confusion went away and I got super clear and launched a challenge!
Vivi has been a wonderful gift in my life. She has been able to help and empower me in a way that no doctor or therapist has been able to.I met Vivi when I decided that enough was enough and that I was ready to heal, love life and be at peace with myself.
Beginning to work with Viviana last August was exactly what I needed as it helped me gain clarity around a number of issues that were going on in my life at the time.